

  • 摘要: 研究了平顶山十二矿高灰熔点煤灰分别添加助熔剂(氧化钙和三氧化二铁)后灰熔点的变化规律,并考察了1 300 ℃~1 550 ℃范围内适宜助熔剂添加量下煤焦的气化反应性变化规律。实验表明:以灰的流动温度(t3)为选择依据,十二矿煤助熔剂氧化钙、三氧化二铁的适宜添加量相应为:3%~7%和5%~10%;助熔剂添加量对煤焦气化反应性的影响与气化温度密切相关。较低气化温度时,煤焦的气化反应性随添加量的增加而提高,但随温度的提高,助熔剂添加量对煤焦反应性的影响逐渐减弱,温度升至1 550 ℃时,助熔剂的影响几乎消失。助熔剂在高温下的熔融、团聚导致其在煤焦中分散性的改变,从而使助熔剂在较低温度下具有的催化作用很快消失,这可能是高气化温度下煤焦气化反应性不受助熔剂影响的最重要原因之一。


    Abstract: The fusion point of ash from No.12 Mine was investigated after CaO and Fe2O3 were respectively added as fusing agent. At the same time, the gasification activity of chars added different quantity of fusing agent was examined at 1 300 ℃~1 550 ℃. The results showed that the appropriate addition should be 3%~7% for CaO and 5%~10% for Fe2O3 respectively. There was close relationship between the influence of quantity of additives on gasification activity of char and the gasification temperature. At relatively lower temperature, the gasification activity of char increased with increasing quantity of fusing agent. However, the influence became little with increasing temperature. When temperature was up to 1 550 ℃, the influence of fusing agent almost vanished because of the fusion and agglomeration of fusing agent at higher temperature.


