Effect of co-pyrolysis process on the oxidation reactivity of lignite char and biomass char
摘要: 以锡盟褐煤和玉米秸秆为原料,利用固定床程序升温热解的方法制备了褐煤焦、生物质焦以及褐煤和生物质不同混合比例的共热解焦样,并进行了孔结构和化学结构的表征以及其灰成分分析。采用等温热重法在450 ℃下考察褐煤焦和生物质焦的混合样与其相同比例的共热解焦样的氧化活性,对比分析共热解过程对焦样反应活性的影响。实验结果表明,共热解过程中的二次反应对焦样结构有着明显的影响,进一步导致其反应活性下降。尤其是生物质添加量低于50%时,由于共热解过程生物质中大量挥发分的释放增强了其与半焦的二次反应,促使新生焦中部分小于五环的有机结构向更大的结构转化。但生物质添加量大于50%时,生物质焦的反应活性起主导作用,焦样中碱金属和碱土金属催化作用较明显,特别是钾的影响,使得共热解过程中挥发分与半焦的二次反应对其结构及反应性的影响减弱。Abstract: Ximeng lignite and cornstalk were used as the feedstock to prepare lignite char, biomass char and co-pyrolysis char with different blending ratios in a fixed bed reactor with temperature-programmed pyrolysis. The pore and chemical structure of char samples were characterized and the ash composition was analyzed. The oxidation reactivity of the mixtures of lignite char/cornstalk char with different blending ratios and the co-pyrolysis char of lignite and cornstalk with corresponding blending ratios were investigated by the isothermal thermogravimetry at 450 ℃, aimed at the effect of co-pyrolysis process on the char reactivity. The results show that there are obvious influences on the char structures through secondary reactions during co-pyrolysis process, leading to the char reactivity decrease. Especially with the cornstalk proportion less than 50%, these influences are more significant due to a large number of volatiles from cornstalk during co-pyrolysis enhancing the secondary reactions between the volatile and nascent char, prompting parts of organic structure less than 5 rings turn into the larger organic structure. For the char samples with cornstalk proportion above 50%, the catalytic effect of alkaline and alkaline earth metal in biomass char plays a dominating role, especially the effect of potassium, resulting in the weaker effects of secondary reactions on the structure and oxidation reactivity of the char samples.