
Analytical methods for the determination of mercury species in natural gas condensate

  • 摘要: 天然气凝析油是优质石脑油原料,作为天然气的伴生品,其中,含有少量的汞及其化合物。汞不仅危害人体健康,而且在凝析油的加工转化过程中还会腐蚀热交换器等单元设备,进而引起生产安全隐患。明晰凝析油中汞的存在方式及形态演变,是天然气化工领域一个富有挑战性的课题。本文系统介绍天然气凝析油中汞的化学形态及分析技术,详细比较和讨论了凝析油等液烃中汞的萃取工艺及汞形态的检测手段,综合评价了不同检测技术的优缺点。已有研究结果表明,采用气相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术,汞回收率接近100%,汞的测定精度高,是一种检测凝析油等液烃中汞组成及化学形态的可靠技术手段。此外,凝析油中汞的形态及其含量是确定脱汞工艺、装置规格及脱汞剂的两个关键因素,而研发一套高精度的快速检测汞形态的新方法,是天然气化工领域需要关注的一个新方向。


    Abstract: Natural gas condensate, a by-product in natural gas exploitation and utilization, is an excellent raw material for naphtha production. However, the natural gas condensate always contains a trace amount of mercury, which may damage the human health and corrode the downstream processing units such as heat exchangers. It is highly demanded that the mercury in natural gas condensate can be identified specifically and analyzed accurately and quickly, which remains a big challenge in natural gas processing industry up to now. This paper reviewed the analytical methods for the determination of mercury species in natural gas condensate, by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of various measures in terms of mercury extraction and detection in natural gas condensate. It was observed that the gas chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer with high accuracy and high mercury recovery rate is the best technique at present to determine the mercury species in the natural gas condensate. The state of mercury species and content of mercury are two key factors to govern the selection and optimization of the adsorbent and the process for the efficient removal of mercury in natural gas condensate in different scales, which exacts a novel technique for the fast yet accurate characterization of various mercury species to meet the demands in the natural gas industry.


